Getting Children to Brush Their Teeth Has Never Been Easier Thanks to Brushalot®

April 06, 2021

Child reading and laughing
Brushalot Tooth Fairy Kit

Getting Children to Brush Their Teeth Has Never Been Easier Thanks to Brushalot®

Toronto – April 6, 2021 – Brushalot Inc. today announced the launch of a new educational and enchanting smart toy line, Adventures of Brushalot®, and its flagship Tooth Fairy Kit.

Brushalot® was founded during the COVID-19 pandemic by two Canadian parents who wanted to solve a pair of problems families face everywhere: how to motivate children to brush their teeth and how to answer the pointed questions children have about the Tooth Fairy.

The world of Brushalot® was created to help children learn about their teeth while building healthy dental habits in an exciting and interactive format. Brushalot® helps make brushing teeth fun for children which leads to good dental habits that parents love.

The Brushalot® Tooth Fairy Kit is being launched in time for National Oral Health Month in Canada, which takes place every year in April.

When a child loses a tooth, it's a milestone. Brushalot® turns this moment into an opportunity to teach children healthy dental habits while also upgrading visits from the Tooth Fairy.

Within the beautifully illustrated book, children learn about the Tooth Fairy and Pearly White City. There, they encounter a cast of engaging characters including General Floss, Sir Brushalot, Incisor, and Prince Plaque. The storybook engages children in a way that will have them eager to brush their teeth and answers the many questions they have about the Tooth Fairy.

The Brushalot® Tooth Fairy Kit comes complete with:

  • Storybook: Adventures of Brushalot: Tale of the Tooth Fairy;
  • Stuffed Toy: Incisor, Sir Brushalot's sidekick horse; and,
  • Children's Nightlight: For everyday use as well as a special signal for the Tooth Fairy to let her know a tooth is ready to be picked up

​“As parents, we know getting children to brush their teeth can be a challenge. We also know visits from the Tooth Fairy are occasions worth celebrating,” said Regan P. Watts, co-founder of Brushalot Inc. and one of the book’s co-authors.

“Good dental habits start with a great story. Children love the storytelling and imagination of Brushalot. Parents love the healthy dental habits children learn from the book. That’s the magic. And yes, Brushalot really works.”

Early reviews from verified buyers have been overwhelmingly positive, with 96% of Brushalot's customers giving the product a 5-star rating.

The Kit is for sale across North America via and retails for $42.99 CAD, $39.99 USD. Free shipping is included on all orders.


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